FORBIDDEN KINGDOM DVD comes out 9/9/08!!

Dear gurls and bois:
Forbidden Kingdom DVD finally comes out next Tuesday (9/9/08)!!
I had the special opportunity to check out an advance copy of Forbidden Kingdom DVD... and I have to say... Get it next Tuesday!
Yes, originally, I was a bit creeped out by the fact that it was written by a Caucasian man who knows martial arts... however, writer John Fusco really did a terrific job blending the old eastern folklores with the western fascination of martial arts.
Let's be real here. Even though the lead Caucasian actor from Will & Grace is super annoying and miscasted, we have to bypass that- FORBIDDEN KINGDOM is JET LI and JACKIE CHAN's first collaboration, and that is pretty darn entertaining.
ps: My favorite featurette is CHINAWOOD. Did you know China built a whole set for studios to film there?! It's like Universal Studio's backlot, but in China...The special features include:
• Audio commentary with director Rob Minkoff and writer John Fusco
• “The Kung Fu Dream Team” featurette
• “Dangerous Beauty” featurette
• “Discovering China” featurette
• “Filming in Chinawood” featurette
• “Monkey King and The Eight Immortals” featurette
• Blooper reel
• Deleted scenes with audio commentary by Rob Minkoff and John Fusco
Labels: DVD, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, review
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