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Monday, October 24, 2005


Pasadena, CA - Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE), is targeting several communities in southern California to register Asian Pacific American (APA) voters for the upcoming November 8 elections. Communities include Hacienda Heights, Thai Town (Hollywood), Garden Grove, Westminster and Irvine. The deadline to register to vote is by 5 p.m. on Monday, October 24.

With last year's Presidential Elections and the recent Los Angeles Mayoral Elections still fresh on voters' minds, it has been an interesting challenge this fall to sustain voter interest in this year's Special Elections. "Despite 'voter fatigue,' however, it is vital that CAUSE continues the work of registering new voters, and educating everyone on the issues that will affect their lives as Californians. As Asian Pacific Americans, it is also crucial that we show up to vote. Our vote is our voice, and we need to make sure that our voices are heard loud and clear in this and in every election," says Sharon Owyang, CAUSE Executive Director.

Los Angeles County voters have an opportunity to vote early (October 26 to November 4) at 11 Touchscreen Voting locations. For locations and more details, visit or call the L.A. County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk's Multi-lingual hotline at (800) 481-8683. For voter information in Orange County, visit or call the following phone numbers for Asian language assistance:
Vietnamese - (714) 567-7585 (Mr. Leslie Le) or (714) 567-7581 (name unavailable)
Chinese - (714) 567-5143 (Ms. Delicia Hsu)
Korean - (714) 567-5141 (Mr. Jay Koo)

In order to prepare APA voters to make an informed decision, CAUSE has begun distributing the non-partisan Easy Voter Guides in Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese - free to the public. Voter registration forms, absentee ballot applications and how-to-vote audiotapes are also available free to those who call CAUSE's toll-free voter assistance hotline at (888) 809-3888. Operators are available Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM to answer questions and help voters. For those who prefer to use the Internet, voters can visit for more information on CAUSE's calendar of events, voter resources, and the CAUSE hand out, "Statewide Special Election: Propositions on the November 2005 Ballot," which gives a description, list of major supporters, and funders of each proposition.

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